All business activities inevitably have some impact upon the environment.
To sustain a clean environment for our next generation, we, as a business conducting insurance activities, will provide environmentally friendly products and services to the society.
As global citizens, we will be socially responsible for the environment, reducing CO2, the main cause of global warming, as well as working towards other environmental measures.

Basic Environmental Policy

Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Group carries out environmental initiatives based on the management system under the "MS & AD Insurance Group Basic Policy on the Environment".

Specific activities

Environmental Management System

We are actively tackling reduction of environmental impact and various global environmental problems in the whole company under the MS & AD Insurance Group's original environmental and social management system.

Indonesia Reforestation Project

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Fast clearing of tropical forests is a global environmental problem. In collaboration with the Indonesian government, we are carrying out the "Indonesian Reforestation Project".

Surugadai Building Green Space

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Statistical details about rooftop afforestation of Surugadai buidling and relaxation of the heat island phenomenon.

Places of interest

Here, you can see wild birds rare in an urban setting, making it a place of recreation and relaxation for neighbors and employees. We will introduce many places of interest, in one of which one can grow seasonal plants.

Biodiversity Conservation Project

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Along with deterrence of global warming, conservation of biodiversity is now one of the most important agendas on environmental protection. MSI will actively tackle this issue as a responsible corporate member of the society.